Polschool Administrator

Author's posts


Dear parents, I received a message from the Catholic school that from November 2nd to November 14 the school will be closed. They plan to reopen on November 16th. We will return November 20th and 21st. Our Polish school will switch to e-learning during these two weeks. Listening to your comments and concerns that sometimes …

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The most important informations from Parent Meeting

The most important information from the Semiannual Parents’ Meeting St. John Paul II Polish School in Lemont On October 31, 2020! Discussion of the financial year 2019/2020 approved by the Audit Committee and sent back for tax settlement. The settlement for 2019/2020 will be available for inspection at the next Parents’ Meeting. Presentation of the …

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New School’s Board President

Based on the results of the October 31, 2020 election, Mrs. Anna Krzemien is the new President of St. John Paul II Polish School.    We congratulate Mrs. Krzemien, and wish her the very best in her new role.

Semiannual Parent Meeting

Semiannual Parent Meeting will be held this coming Saturday, Oct. 31  at 10:15 am  in St. Cyril’s Parish Center

Feast Day of St. John Paul II